Being Organised – Key to the Perfect Home

Rushing to get ready for work? Can’t find that particular pair of earrings or bag? Wishing you had a designated a place for everything – like keys, pens, note paper – there are so many items in the house – how is it even possible to make room for each item? And what about the time required for organising….

This is something we all struggle with at some time or another. But it is really not that hard to do – so what is home organization actually?

It is nothing but using our time and efforts to keep our homes neat and tidy. The danger is avoiding the task because it seems boring and monotonous. But that will only create a mess and then make the job unmanageable!

Organizing is knowing how and when to

reduce, repurpose, refresh and recycle.

These are not just catch-words but together result in responsive and responsible behaviour.

Mind you, it doesn’t mean we cannot buy new things because they are necessary or because they are aesthetically pleasing. We just must learn to strike a balance between the available space and finances too. It is necessary to be able to step back and rethink – is my list sustainable?

That is why it is important to always engage in de-cluttering our home and work spaces. This way we can be equipped with essential items and reduce unnecessary shopping.

Learning to micro-organize and maintain a

method of sorting and arranging items

are essential skills for everyone.

This becomes useful and time-saving as we find everything in the right place at the right time. Imagine not finding our vehicle keys when we need to go somewhere urgently, or we get a sudden rash, but can’t find the ointment, you put it in one of the drawers, but where?

All of this is easier when we have someone to

guide us – then it doesn’t seem like such an

overwhelming project.

Register for the Life CEO Programme (LCP) and learn principles and tips of organization from the Home Inventory Management course.

LCP also features many other courses which will aid in stress-free living via various Skill Verticals.

Just log onto for more details.