- Instructor: Sagar Dungule
- Lectures: 2
- Quizzes: 1
Code: PL01
Duration: 41 min
Course Language: English
Course Curator: Dr Prachee Javadekar
Course Presenter & Researcher: Sagar Dungule, Gandhali Divekar
What you will learn?
- To Understand India’s macro view of – History, Geography, Polity, Success facts, Social structure and Economy
- To develop the feeling of pride and love for the nation and nationhood
- To learn and appreciate the India’s uniqueness and achievements
- To build resilient allegiance with our nation “Bharat”
Course includes:
Video includes:
Course can be accessed on: desktop, laptop, mobile phones and tabs | Requirement: Good internet connectivity |
Access will be available for 48 hours from login |
Course Description:
India, Bharat is mostly being referred as the “world’s largest growing market”. We often hear the comparisons with “Developed economies” In all these events and discussion, largely we miss out on the “Context” of India being more than just huge market. India represents very unique and complex diversity – a ‘pluralistic’ society. There is no one common yardstick to measure this diversity, hence our challenges and issues are complex. So it is very important that we see India always in the context of diversity. This course will help you to understand the India with a macro view of its social, economic, and geographical Diversity.
Course Curator: Dr Prachee Javadekar
Dr Prachee is veteran academician with over 40 years of experience in research and training. A PhD in Consumerism in Education, Dr Prachee is a specialist in policy advocacy and publication offerings. She is an academic research doyen with a penchant for national progress. Dr Prachee believes in nurturing the youth for a better future and better tomorrow.
Course Researcher and Presenter: Sagar Dungule
Sagar is master trainer for Political Awareness skills Vertical.
Sagar has an experience of 17 years in corporate sectors like banking, Airline Accounting, Supply chain, Policy Research, Training and documentation.
He has Master’s in Business Management. He is a Subject Matter expert in Govt. Mechanism, its Policies and implementation and has hands on experience having worked as an assistant in the office of Cabinet Minister.
He is an Avid Cricketer and represented Maharashtra state in national events. He loves travelling and exploring new places. He is also actively involved in social work and activities..
Other courses by Sagar:
- Home Inventory Management (HS01)
- Home Safety and Maintenance (HS13)
- Ministry Machinery of the Government of India (PL03)
Course Researcher and Presenter: Gandhali Divekar
Gandhali is master trainer for House skills and Entrepreneurship Development skills
She is currently working as an independent business enabler for small and medium scale women entrepreneurs. Her career has a blend of teaching, research and training which is spanning over 20+ years.
She has co- authored three case studies which were published by Harvard Business Review, authored three curriculum text books. She holds Master’s in Business Administration. All the house skills courses presented here are about effective organization and management of resources for effective results, i.e. having stress free life. She also conducts training programmes for varied audience groups on “Economics and Life effectively”, “Entrepreneurship Development” and many such. This experiences is used as a basis for Entrepreneurship Courses presented in LCP.
She is trained with corporates like Amdocs, L’Oreal, MacDonald’s, Godrej Appliances, handling trainings in services marketing.
Other courses by Gandhali:
- Kitchen Types and Space Utilization (HS08)
- Kitchen utensils and gadget (HS09)
- Budget Buying (HS10)
- Refrigerator Management (HS11)
- Kitchen cleaning (HS12)
- Identifying a Business Opportunity (ED01)
- Developing a Business Plan (ED02)
- नेटवर्किंग आणि सोशल मिडीया मार्केटिंग Networking & Social Media Marketing (ED03)
Related courses:
- Duties And Responsibilities of Every Indian (PL02)
- Ministry Machinery of Government of India (PL03)
- Read Research Rehearse (MS06)
- Family Culture (FFW06)