- Instructor: Gandhali Divekar
- Lectures: 2
- Quizzes: 1
Code: SS09
Duration: Part I- 26 min; Part II- 23 min
Course Language: English
Expert Talk / Demo: Expert Talk in Marathi Dubbed in English.
Some parts in vernacular language are dubbed in English.
Course Curator: Dr Prachee Javadekar
Course Presenter & Researcher: Gandhali Divekar
What you will learn?
- Matrix to develop ISR initiative
- Various government schemes which can be shared with beneficiaries under ISR
Course includes:
Video includes:
Course can be accessed on: desktop, laptop, mobile phones and tabs | Requirement: Good internet connectivity |
Access will be available for 48 hours from login |
Course Description:
Individual Social Responsibility is need of an hour. It is going beyond the duties and rules to follow, but doing the things for the betterment of others voluntarily, more as a responsibility and commitment. This course introduces the concept of ISR and discusses its importance. This course gives a matrix to filter the various options and select the ISR work which is close to your heart and which inspires you. For the empowerment of the underprivileged sections of the society Government of India has designed various schemes. This courses explains these schemes and how you can spread the awareness about these schemes as a part of ISR activities.
Course Curator: Dr Prachee Javadekar
Dr Prachee is veteran academician with over 40 years of experience in research and training. A PhD in Consumerism in Education, Dr Prachee is a specialist in policy advocacy and publication offerings. She is an academic research doyen with a penchant for national progress. Dr Prachee believes in nurturing the youth for a better future and better tomorrow.
Course Researcher and Presenter: Gandhali Divekar
Gandhali is master trainer for House skills and Entrepreneurship Development skills
She is currently working as an independent business enabler for small and medium scale women entrepreneurs. Her career has a blend of teaching, research and training which is spanning over 20+ years.
She has co-authored three case studies which were published by Harvard Business Review, authored three curriculum text books. She holds a Master’s in Business Administration. All the house skills courses presented here are about effective organization and management of resources for effective results, i.e. having stress free life. She also conducts training programmes for varied audience groups on “Economics and Life effectively”, “Entrepreneurship Development” and many such. This experience is used as a basis for Entrepreneurship Courses presented in LCP.
She is trained with corporates like Amdocs, L’Oreal, MacDonald’s, Godrej Appliances, handling trainings in services marketing.
Other courses by Gandhali:
- Kitchen Types and Space Utilization (HS08)
- Kitchen utensils and gadget (HS09)
- Budget Buying (HS10)
- Refrigerator Management (HS11)
- Kitchen cleaning (HS12)
- Identifying a Business Opportunity (ED01)
- Developing a Business Plan (ED02)
- नेटवर्किंग आणि सोशल मिडीया मार्केटिंग Networking & Social Media Marketing (ED03)
- Know Your India (PL01)
Expert talk:
Dr Tarita Shankar
Chairperson, Indira Group of Institutes, Pune
Anant Gosavi
Eminent Educationist & Academician Retried Professor, Modern College, Pune
Trustee Nutan Balshikshan Sangh, Kosbad