- Instructor: Dr. Radha Raje
- Lectures: 2
- Quizzes: 1
Code: SS03
Duration: 44 min
Course Language: English
Course Curator: Dr. Prachee Javadekar
Course Presenter & Researcher: Dr Radha Raje
What you will learn?
- The concept of relationship management.
- Various facets of healthy relationship in personal, professional and social life.
- How to handle the challenges in building healthy relationships.
- Building relationships to build the support system.
Course includes:
Video includes:
Course can be accessed on: desktop, laptop, mobile phones and tabs | Requirement: Good internet connectivity |
Access will be available for 48 hours from login |
Course Description:
In this course participants will learn how to develop healthy and stable relationships in personal, professional and social spheres of life. Every women tries to develop and maintain cordial relationship in life. It helps women in achieving better balance in personal, professional and social life. Despite of all sincere efforts sometimes she struggles to maintain the equilibrium of her personal and professional life. Challenges for a woman are complex because of different role with assumed responsibilities she perform in her personal life, be it if daughter, wife, sister or daughter in law. In this module women will get insights into the nature of challenges, reasons behind it and approach they need to adopt to solve the issues. This module will help the learner in developing healthy relationship with self and others. The tips shared in the course will help learners to effectively organize their physical, emotional aspects and taking a step towards leading peaceful happy life.
Course Curator: Dr Prachee Javadekar
Dr Prachee is veteran academician with over 40 years of experience in research and training. A PhD in Consumerism in Education, Dr Prachee is a specialist in policy advocacy and publication offerings. She is an academic research doyen with a penchant for national progress. Dr Prachee believes in nurturing the youth for a better future and better tomorrow.
Course Presenter and Researcher: Dr Radha Raje
Dr. Radha is master trainer for Social skills for Life CEO programme.
Dr. Radha has graduated with B.Sc.(Human Development) and M.A.(Clinical Psychology & Counselling), M.P.M. (Human Resource Management), and Ph.D. (Education & Psychology) from University of Pune. “Talent Search” a proprietary organization of Psychologists, Counsellors and Teachers.
She has worked as a consultant to various Industries. She is associated with renowned educational institutes in Pune as student counsellor and mentor. She is a Principal designer of the Post Graduate Diploma Course in Counselling Psychology conducted by Baya Karve Womens study center.
She has also designed the National Training Programme on “Understanding Adolescents” for Master Trainers and Head Masters of schools in Maharashtra, conducted by YASHADA – The Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration, which is the Administrative Training Institute of Government of Maharashtra.
Her keen interest in guiding Adolescents and Youth for career and Social Emotional problems has inspired her to conduct several research projects in this area. She is presently appointed by the Hon. Chief Justice of Mumbai High Court as Coordinator of Pre-Litigation Counselling Centre for the Family Court at Pune.
Other courses by Dr Radha
- Building Bonds – (Relationship Management for Adolescent) (SS01)
- Building Bonds (Relationship Management professionals) (SS02)
Related Courses:
- Building Bonds – (Relationship Management for Adolescent) (SS01)
- Building Bonds (Relationship Management professionals) (SS02)
- Family Time (FFW04)
- कुटुंब संस्कृती Family Culture (FFW06)
- Learn The Science Of Habit Making (SS07)
- Personal Grooming – Healthy habits (SS04)
- Make up and Dressing Style (SS05)